Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

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Selain menggunakan layanan ketiga website diatas, anda juga bisa memanfaatkan layanan sms gratis dari Gmail. Gmail memang menyediakan fitur sms gratis lewat internet melalui fitur chatnya. Dalam sehari, anda diberikan 50 credit. Saat anda mengirim 1 SMS, maka credit anda akan berkurang 1..dan saat anda menerima balasan SMS, maka credit anda akan bertambah 5. Jika kredit anda habis, maka dalam 24 jam anda akan diberikan 50 credit lagi secara cuma-cuma. Cara sms gratis menggunakan Gmail sangatlah mudah. Anda cukup login ke akun Gmail anda, kemudian isikan nomor tujuan di kolom “Chat and SMS” dan tekan Enter. Isikan nama kontak dan klik Save. Kini anda tinggal mengetik SMS anda dan tekan Enter untuk mengirim SMS. http://www.pusatgratis.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/smsgratis_gmail_7.jpg

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

daftar gratis,,dapatkan 10 $

ate.php?id=17823_0_1_13" target="_blank"> Bagi anda yg hobi mencari uang online atau yang ingin mencoba cari uang di internet / berbisnis di internet tapi masih takut - takut silahkan anda pelajari info program di bawah ini, memang banyaknya peluang bisnis di internet yang menawarkan kita tidak semua benar-benar untuk berbisnis, ada juga yang bertujuan untuk menipu kita, maka saran saya berhati-hatilah dalam memilih program bisnis di internet. Untuk program yang satu ini memang sudah berjalan sejak lama dan mungkin sudah banyak yang tau termasuk anda, tapi jika anda belum tau saya info kan bahwa bisnis ini masih berjalan sama seperti awalnya, yaitu memberikan $10 US Cash hanya dengan mendaftar atau join di program ini, plus ada juga bonus lainnya, anda gak perlu keluar uang sepeser pun, asyik kan" Inilah program penghasil uang yg benar-benar akan membayar anda, bagi anda yg mau coba berbisnis dgn resiko kecil atau bisa di bilang tanpa resiko, modal awalnya anda hanya mendaftar dan dari mendaftar itu anda sudah mendapatkan $10... Sepuluh Dollar Kontan!, pembayaran di kirim ke email anda dgn paper check, atau melalui akun PayPal anda ( bagi yg blm tau cara daftar paypal ada di bawah), dan selain dapat uang $10 anda jg akan mendapat bonus-bonus lainnya dengan program ini, sangat simpel dan mudah kan.. lumayan sambil maen internet, browsing dsb anda jg dapet uang, Uang Asli loh!' , mau tau program nya? nih langsung aja ane kasi tau.. Namanya Tweet Adder ,yap program ini sangat banyak peminatnya di internet, target produk adalah para pengguna twitter, tau sendiri sekarang pengguna twitter kan semakin membludak. caranya anda cukup mendaftar trus kontan deh 10 dollar langsung masuk akun anda dan ikutin aja petunjuk-petunjuk singkatnya, ga rumit kok'..sayang kan kalo di lewatkan. gak percaya? 'Nah jika anda masih belum yakin anda bisa cari -cari info dulu soal program ini, silahkan browsing untuk cari tau dan pelajari dulu. Yang Saya tau sampai saat ini mendaftar $10 masih berlaku, atau jika anda berminat untuk mencoba bisa juga langsung link ke tweet adder.com dan Join atau sign up (Jika masih bingung,tersedia link langsung nya di bawah), trus langsung aja buka akun anda dan liat sendiri deh uang anda ,okay... selamat mencoba yaach!' Cara Daftar Rekening Gratis PayPal 1. Siapkan data - data untuk membuat akun PatPal anda, Nama, Alamat, Email,Nomor Telepon / Hp, Nomor Rekening Bank anda di indonesia. (pastikan semua sesuai dgn data anda di Bank agar memudahkan anda dalam menerima pembayaran 2. Masuk ke situs paypal, Http://www.paypal.com , pilih Bhs. Indonesia lalu klik Daftar 3. Pilih Negara , setelah itu Pilh Primer (untuk dapat menerima pembayaran), selanjut nya isi data diri anda dengan benar sesuai dengan KTP. ingat' sesuaikan dengan nama akun Bank anda. 4. Jika nama anda satu suku kata maka isi nama depan dan nama belakang isi dengan tanda koma, jika dua suku kata maka nama tengah kosongkan saja. 5. Isi nomor telepon, contoh pengisian telpon rumah : 021 - 4567890 atau 62-21-3456789 ,untuk Hp: 08123456789 6. Jangan Centang kolom: Hubungkan Kartu Kredit Saya 7. Jika sudah terisi data anda dgn benar, Klik Setuju dan Buat Rekening 8. setelah masuk ke rekening paypal anda atau (Buka akun Paypal yg baru saja anda buat) lalu lakukan konfirmasi alamat email anda. 'Nah skrg anda sudah memiliki Rekening di paypal, Selamat' -Bagi yg tidak memiliki kartu kredit, untuk bisa pindahkan uang dari rekening Paypal anda ke rek Bank anda di indonesia, browsing di google yach tentang 'Cara Withdraw ke rek.Bank Lokal indonesia' Cara Daftar Tweetadder & Pengisian kolom Website, Tax id, SSN or VAT di Tweetadder - Masuk Ke situs Tweet adder , cari kolom Affiliate di atas lalu Klik. - Cari Tombol Signup di baris bawah, selanjutnya tinggal isi data-data anda dgn benar. - kalau udah daftar cek di rekening tweet adder anda brp yg udah anda dapatkan....buktikan' - untuk pengisian web site bisa anda gunakan website facebook anda atau twitter, atau yg paling bagus anda bikin aja blog gratis di wordpress atau blogspot. -untuk pengisian kolom Tax Id, SSN or Vat anda bisa isi dengan 6 digit angka nol, contoh : 000000 -pengisian kolom lainnya gunakan nama alamat asli anda sesuai akun pembayaran paypal, atau Bank anda agar memudahkan transaksi pengiriman uang dari Tweet adder.

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Jumat, 13 Januari 2012


really unlucky tonight, I'm lost in forex trading,, is a result of the greedy want a nice profit. but in the ordinary things of life lose it, lose not a failure maybe tomorrow we will win

a quiet night

have you ever made ​​saturated because of quiet, but with quiet we are more concentrations in the conduct or set of plans and results will be good, but sometimes the quiet will make us feel anxious and alone

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

scholarship master program for civil servants

Postgraduate courses University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) Master of Information Technology together with the Ministry of Communications and Information S2 organizing educational scholarships to civil servants for the program Pascasarjana/S2 Chief Information Officer.

This scholarship is offered to selected students from the environmental agencies of the Republic of Indonesia which has outstanding knowledge and / or skill and great motivation to contribute to the development of e-Government in Indonesia.

Purpose and Objectives

 Program Pascasarjana/S2 CIO (Chief Information Officer) addressed to executives / decision makers responsible for promoting IT as a means of improving the quality of government bureaucracy, both at strategic and operational level. CIO Pascasarjana/S2 MTI program is designed to meet the needs of GMU Human Resources in order to develop e-Government in government agencies and local level.
 General Provisions - Criteria for Scholarship Candidates
Prospective awardees are expected to meet the following criteria:

     Civil Servant (PNS) are placed in institutions departments, non departmental, both at central and local government environments.
     Having a working period of at least 2 years from the date appointed civil servant in the S1 title on the agency concerned.
     Field work is handled associated with the development of e-Government in their home environment.
     Open to all sectors / areas / offices in government agencies.
     Maximum of 40 years of age when registering.
     Do not have a degree does not take part S2 and S2 educational programs elsewhere.
     Did not receive and / or are receiving scholarships from other institutions.

Prospective awardees are expected to meet the following requirements:

     Academic diplomas and transcripts will S1 which has been legalized.
     S1 minimum GPA of 3.0.
     A minimum TOEFL score of 450 from PPB UGM or ITP-TOEFL institution designated by the Indonesian International Education Foundation.
     Minimum score of 500 TPA issued by the National Development Planning Agency, Ministry of Education and Research Puspendik UGM.
     For those who do not yet have a value of TPA and / or TOEFL (such as point 3 and 4) allowed to clump together registration file.
     Origin S1 acquire Study Program Accreditation by BAN PT.
     Letter of recommendation from two people / parties who knew the academic abilities.
     Letter of recommendation from the authorities (the minimum level of second echelon leadership of the agency) who explains that work areas are addressed related to the development of E-Government.
     The projection of desire in the S2 program.
     Permit from the agency / institution working place.
     Certificate of guarantee of payment.
     Health certificate from a doctor.
     Curriculum vitae.
     Passport photo 3 × 4 cm 2 sheets.
Portfolio contains a description of the project, research, papers, or books in the field of IT has ever done during the last 3 years (a value-added).
     All requirements made ​​in duplicate 2.

Application procedure

     No registration fee.
     Scholarship recipients to download and fill in the registration file can be downloaded here or here (Upload UGM).
     Registration file sent by mail or hand delivered to the office of Master of Information Technology UGM.
     Received no later than June 29, 2011. Applicants who meet the administrative requirements (shortlisted) will be called to follow the IT selection tests and interviews.

 Further Information
Official information S2 CIO Scholarship Program KemKominfo 2011 in MTI UGM can be accessed on the MTI website UGM, www.mti.ugm.ac.id.

File Application Delivery Address:
Master of Information Technology University of Gadjah Mada
Building Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2nd floor
Faculty of Engineering Jl. Graphic 2 Yogyaka

scholarships for masters program

The Fulbright Program for Foreign Students is administered by binational Fulbright Commissions/Foundations or U.S. Embassies. All Foreign Student Program applications are processed by these offices.
Preference will be given to applicants who serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia. Applicants will possess:

  • a Bachelor (S1) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.00 scale)
  • leadership qualities
  • a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures a
  • demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
  • a willingness to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright-DIKTI program
  • a minimum institutional TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS score of 6.0
Download Application Form: http://www.aminef.or.id/_files/pendaftaran/1_20111130_142312_FORM.rar
Please return your complete application package by the application deadline that includes:
  • Completed application form. This includes a clearly written and concise study objective.
  • Copy of your most recent, less than two years old, institutional TOEFL or IELTS score report.
  • One letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous lecturer.
  • Copy of academic transcript and diploma (English translation).
  • Copy of identity document (KTP or passport)

Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms. Forms are available either by mail or in person at:
American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)
CIMB Niaga Plaza 3rd Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 25
Jakarta 12920
Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed to the following address: aminef.or.id
AMINEF does not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or delivered to AMINEF.
The deadline for the submission of application materials for all programs is April 15, 2012.

scholarship opportunities

 Master’s Degree Program in Education
2011 academic year

The objective of the HICD/Education program is to build human capacity through scholarship opportunity in support of the GOI Ministry of Education (MONE), Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), and Coordinating Ministry for People`s Welfare (KESRA), to better carry on quality improvements to basic education and higher education sub-sectors.

Program participants will receive a Master`s Degree in Education in areas such as:
  • Education Policy and Management
  • Human Development and Psychology
  • International Education Policy
  • Language and Literacy
  • Math and Science Education
  • Education Leadership
  • Teacher Education
  • Education Law
  • Education Finance
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Education Research Design
  • Politics in Education
  • Education Assessment and Testing
  •  Special (Inclusive) Education
  • Counseling
Target Participants:
Representatives from MONE, MORA, KESRA and their subsidiary offices at the national, provincial, and district level who work in the education sector. This includes faculty and staff of state universities under MONE and MORA, as well as teachers and administrators of primary or secondary education.
All DBE stakeholder institutions working with DBE. This includes regional branches of MONE and MORA, education commissions of houses of representatives, education boards, education NGOs, local media in education, Regional Development Board (Bappeda). This includes senior teachers and administrators of secondary or primary school instruction.

Special Qualifications:
At least 3 years working experience in a related area of study.
Priority will be given to candidates from North Maluku, Sumatera, Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, and South Sulawesi.
Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Physically disabled candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

General Eligibility Requirements
  1. Candidates must be citizens of Indonesia.
  2. Candidates may not be employed by USAID, have salary paid by USAID, or be an employee of USAID contractors or grantees.
  3. Candidates must have at least five pre-retirement years remaining with their organizations after completion of study.
  4. Candidates must provide evidence of English ability. AED will only accept the following tests as the evidence of English ability:
    • Computer Based TOEFL, Internet Based TOEFL or International Paper Based TOEFL by Education Testing Service (ETS) and administered by recognized organizations from ETS (www.ets.org)
    • ITP TOEFL by ETS and score reported and administered by recognized organizations from ETS (www.ets.org)
    • IELTS provided by Cambridge ESOL Examinations and administered by British Council www.britishcouncil.org, International Development Program (IDP) www.idp.com and Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF) www.ialf.edu
    • Candidate’s Essay. Please follow the guidelines when writing the essay. There will be essay of 1 page. The topic of the essay should be: How does the training program you wish to pursue relate to your background and career? What new changes and contributions do you hto intope roduce in your field upon completion of the program? How will the program contribute to the position you will assume upon your return home?
    • Three recommendation forms. Each to be completed by the candidate’s present employer, or community service organization if currently not working (e.g. if you have performed voluntary work/service at an NGO, youth club, municipal project, etc.), and university instructors. Recommendations are to be submitted in sealed, and signed envelopes.
    • Curriculum Vitae: Candidates are required to submit their CV, which may be in a format of their choice.
    • Nomination letter: Candidates are required to submit a nomination letter signed and stamped by their current employer (or by a community service organization if currently not working) in a sealed envelope.
    • Complete/Fill in the Application Forms and submit it to AED together with the documents no. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 above.

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012


A trading and distribution company specializing in aircraft spare parts has immediate openings for the following positions:

* Female, max 35 years old
* S-1 graduate from a reputable university
* A triumphant winner with at least 5 years experience in sales
* Must be exceedingly fluent in English
* Excellent remuneration and company vehicle
Please send complete resume along with recent photograph and state the expected salary to:
* E-mail: recruitment@palmina.biz

Job Vacancy in Bali 2012

“We are looking for individuals who believe in striving for Excellence to become a member of Indonesia’s largest Pizza chain”
HR Representatives (Bali)

* Reports to Human Resources Manager
* Perform recruitment process includes selection, assessment, interview, hiring
* Assist in Industrial Relations matters include grievances, working insurance, permits
* Assist in doing employee development program include prepare training needs analysis, do orientation program, conduct training
* Manage daily routine of all HR administrations
* Min. Bachelor Degree from Psychology
* Min. 3 years working experience in HR area (such as recruitment, compensation & benefit, organization & people development, administration and other HR function)
* Age max. 35 years old
* Understand Labor Law
* Has excellent English both oral and written
* Computer literacy & good administrative
* Good interpersonal and communication skill
* Have strong problem solving and analytical skill
* Able to work both independent or in a team, multi tasking with minimum supervision
* Highly motivated, able to work hard, posses initiative, trustworthy & loyal
* Willing to travel
* Local candidates prefered
Please email complete application and most recent photograph to :
Please specify your application by putting the HR-Sby / HR-Bali / HR-Mksr / HR-Jog code on the subject..
“Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview.

Jobs Vacancy Area Sales Manager Jakarta WOI GROUP

Jobs Vacancy Area Sales Manager Jakarta WOI GROUP

Jobs Vacancy Area Sales Manager Jakarta WOI GROUP – We are a manufacture, distributor, & trading company that has been going public and located in North Jakarta. Currently we urgently need a few young professional to fulfill the following position :
AREA SALES MANAGER @Ancol – Jakarta Utara
Responsibility :

* Develops a business plan and sales strategy for the market that ensures attainment of company sales goals and profitability
* Prepares action plans by individuals as well as by team for effective search of sales leads and prospects
* Initiates and coordinates development of action plans to penetrate new markets
* Assists in the development and implementation of marketing plans as needed
* Provides timely, accurate, competitive pricing on all completed prospect applications submitted for pricing and approval, while striving to maintain maximum profit margin
* Maintains accurate records of all pricings, sales, and activity reports
* Adheres to all company policies, procedures and business ethics codes and ensures that they are communicated and implemented within the team
* Male aged max 30 years old
* Hold minimun Bachelor Degree in Marketing or Manajemen from reputable university with minimun GPA 3.00
* Experience minimun 2 years as Area Sales Manager from Consumer Good Company
* Active in English both written and oral
* Able to speak Mandarin
* Computer proficiency
* Initiative, inovative, systematic, and hard worker
* Good interpersonal skill and leadership
* Placement at Ancol – Jakarta Utara
Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph (pdf format max. 3 MB) with desired position to :
Wicaksana Overseas International Group
Jl. Ancol Barat VII Block A5D No. 2
Jakarta 14430 – Indonesia

Job Vacancy Programmer 2012

Job Vacancy Programmer 2012
EASG is a Singapore company and as a subsidiary of
e Agency Japan, the leader in IT Media/Web solutions technology provider.
We are seeking for young, highly qualified professional candidate to join our team as:
Programmer @Jakarta

*Familiar with programming language Java, PHP, Perl is an advantage
*Good understanding in Database My SQL, Oracle, SQL Server
*Experience in programming at least 2 years.
*Good troubleshooting and familiar with LAN, Internet connections.
*Excellent presentation, and interpersonal skills.
*Independent, honest, and hardworking person.
*Problem solving attitude
*Good Communication skill in English, Oral & written
It would be greatly much to your advantage to spend a few month on the job training in Japan!!
Interested candidates, please forward your resume including cover letter and salary expectation to: syunta@cbn.net.id
Only qualified Resume will be followed up.