Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

scholarship master program for civil servants

Postgraduate courses University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) Master of Information Technology together with the Ministry of Communications and Information S2 organizing educational scholarships to civil servants for the program Pascasarjana/S2 Chief Information Officer.

This scholarship is offered to selected students from the environmental agencies of the Republic of Indonesia which has outstanding knowledge and / or skill and great motivation to contribute to the development of e-Government in Indonesia.

Purpose and Objectives

 Program Pascasarjana/S2 CIO (Chief Information Officer) addressed to executives / decision makers responsible for promoting IT as a means of improving the quality of government bureaucracy, both at strategic and operational level. CIO Pascasarjana/S2 MTI program is designed to meet the needs of GMU Human Resources in order to develop e-Government in government agencies and local level.
 General Provisions - Criteria for Scholarship Candidates
Prospective awardees are expected to meet the following criteria:

     Civil Servant (PNS) are placed in institutions departments, non departmental, both at central and local government environments.
     Having a working period of at least 2 years from the date appointed civil servant in the S1 title on the agency concerned.
     Field work is handled associated with the development of e-Government in their home environment.
     Open to all sectors / areas / offices in government agencies.
     Maximum of 40 years of age when registering.
     Do not have a degree does not take part S2 and S2 educational programs elsewhere.
     Did not receive and / or are receiving scholarships from other institutions.

Prospective awardees are expected to meet the following requirements:

     Academic diplomas and transcripts will S1 which has been legalized.
     S1 minimum GPA of 3.0.
     A minimum TOEFL score of 450 from PPB UGM or ITP-TOEFL institution designated by the Indonesian International Education Foundation.
     Minimum score of 500 TPA issued by the National Development Planning Agency, Ministry of Education and Research Puspendik UGM.
     For those who do not yet have a value of TPA and / or TOEFL (such as point 3 and 4) allowed to clump together registration file.
     Origin S1 acquire Study Program Accreditation by BAN PT.
     Letter of recommendation from two people / parties who knew the academic abilities.
     Letter of recommendation from the authorities (the minimum level of second echelon leadership of the agency) who explains that work areas are addressed related to the development of E-Government.
     The projection of desire in the S2 program.
     Permit from the agency / institution working place.
     Certificate of guarantee of payment.
     Health certificate from a doctor.
     Curriculum vitae.
     Passport photo 3 × 4 cm 2 sheets.
Portfolio contains a description of the project, research, papers, or books in the field of IT has ever done during the last 3 years (a value-added).
     All requirements made ​​in duplicate 2.

Application procedure

     No registration fee.
     Scholarship recipients to download and fill in the registration file can be downloaded here or here (Upload UGM).
     Registration file sent by mail or hand delivered to the office of Master of Information Technology UGM.
     Received no later than June 29, 2011. Applicants who meet the administrative requirements (shortlisted) will be called to follow the IT selection tests and interviews.

 Further Information
Official information S2 CIO Scholarship Program KemKominfo 2011 in MTI UGM can be accessed on the MTI website UGM, www.mti.ugm.ac.id.

File Application Delivery Address:
Master of Information Technology University of Gadjah Mada
Building Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2nd floor
Faculty of Engineering Jl. Graphic 2 Yogyaka

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